Trakking is a digital platform for sourcing, managing, and returning empty shipping line containers.
Trakking is an all-in-one platform that streamlines the sourcing, managing and return of empty shipping containers logistics. The platform replaces outdated shipping processes, and increases the reliability and predictability of empty containers. Trakking integrates three services under one platform:
“Sometimes we send Empty Release and booking is not okay. But nowadays I can enter a booking, and I can check if my booking is okay or not.”
Dispatcher - Lally Bros Trucking
Economic Benefits
Trakking improves the movement, fluidity and overall performance of the container transportation system at the Port of Vancouver and affiliated ports across North America. It provides 5 economic benefits to logistics groups, trucking companies and the ports it services:
By streamlining empty container logistics and optimizing truck trips, Trakking improves the productiveness of our current road infrastructure.
Carbon Emissions saved by Trakking
Trakking’s mission is to accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions through our three products: Empty Container Release, Empty Container Return and Street turn.
By reducing dead-runs, increasing double ended moves, and eliminating idle time at depots and terminals, we can collectively play a role in removing waste in our supply chain system.
Trakking Empty Container Release
Trakking Empty Container Return
Trakking Street Turn
Total Emissions Saved

About Trakking
Frustrated with supply chain issues and inefficient container movement, our transportation experts knew there must be a better way. So we developed Trakking, a revolutionary digital platform that connects terminals, shipping lines, container depots, drayage companies, and import/export groups across North America.
The platform allows drayage companies to easily source, manage and return containers quickly and with ease.
Learn more about our company